BiosysFoodEng 2018

Join us in Budapest for the 2nd International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering in memory of Professor András Fekete
Dear Colleagues,
The Department of Physics and Control and Department of Food Engineering of Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science in collaboration of Agro- and Biosystems Engineering Research Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences warmly invite you to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering in Budapest, Hungary to be held on 8th of June, 2018.
The topics of the conference are the novelties and new scientific applications in food science and technology focusing on food engineering and food physics.
We warmly welcome your participation and we are looking forward to see you in Budapest!
Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. József Felföldi - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Zuzana Hlavacova - Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Slovakia
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó - University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Process Engineering, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Frencesco Marra - University of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, Salerno, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Gyula Vatai - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. habil. Manuela Zude - Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Potsdam, Germany
Organizing Committee
- Dr. László Baranyai - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. József Felföldi - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Dr. Tímea Kaszab - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Dr. Edit Márki - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Prof. Dr. Gyula Vatai - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Dr. Tamás Zsom - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary
- Dr. Viktória Zsom-Muha - Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Hungary (Secretary)
- 20th April, 2018 : Registration and abstract submission.
- 1st May, 2018 : Payment of registration fee.
- 17th May, 2018 : Full paper submission (Extended deadline!).
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited on the conference topics and should be sent to the following e-mail address: Abstracts shall be no longer than 200 words.
Please inform us about your choice of conference contribution (oral or poster presentation) by 15th April, 2018.
Oral presentation guidelines
A 20 minute time period is allocated for each presentation. Each oral presentation is to be 15 minutes long. There will be 5 minutes for questions and discussion after each presentation.
Participants of the conference will vote for the best oral presentation for awards.
Poster presentation guidelines
Poster size is 60 cm width x 84 cm high (A/1) (“portrait” position). The poster section will be held during the two, 30 minutes long Coffee break. A special panel of judges will review posters submitted and will select the best posters for awards.
Fullpaper publication
Conference publications are welcome in maximum 8 pages according to the layout and format instructions of the conference. See Instructions for Authors (PDF).
Selected papers will be published in Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences (Scopus indexed Q-ranked) in one of the journals of Hungarian Academy of Science.
Conference Venue
The building is located at conjunction of Könyves Kálmán körút (Boulevard) and Mester utca (Street), hence it is easy to approach with car from the main communication roads. Motorists are welcomed with spacious open car park next to the building, and a garage as well. Free parking is available in the open car park.
Conference programme
- 08:45-09:45 Registration
- 09:45-09:50 Conference opening
- Session I. Chairperson: Prof. Gyula Vatai
- 09:50-10:10 # József Felföldi: In memory of Professor András Fekete
- 10:10-10:30 # Martin Geyer, Marc Spuhler, Daniel Neuwald, Holger Scaar, Reiner Jedermann, Ulrike Praeger: Airflow measurements in apple storage rooms
- 10:30-10:50 # Eszter Vozáry, Kinga Ignácz, Bíborka Gillay: Dielectrical properties of Hungarian Acacia honey
- 10:50-11:10 # Zaukuu Z. John-Lewis, Soós János, Ildikó Magyar, Zoltan Kovacs: Recognition of adulterated aszú wine by the electronic tongue
- 11:10-11:40 Poster section – Coffee break
- Session II. Chairperson: Prof. Dr. habil. Manuela Zude
- 11:40-12:00 # Werner B. Herppich, Marco Maggioni, Susanne Huyskens-Keil, Tina Kabelitz, Karin Hassenberg: Optimisation of process parameters for short-term hot-water treatment of apples for fruit salads by non-destructive imaging techniques
- 12:00-12:20 # Marta Della Valle, Eszter Vozáry, Francesco Marra, László Baranyai: Evaluation of chicken meat physical properties during food processing
- 12:20-12:40 # Szalay, K., B. Keller, R. Rák, P. Nóra, L. Kovács, F. Sillinger, A. Jung: Physical protection against excessive solar radiation in experimental raspberry plantation
- 12:40-13:00 # Zsanett Bodor, Csilla Benedek, John-Lewis Zinia Zaukuu, Tímea Kaszab, István Kertész, Zoltán Kovács: Applicability of rapid measurement techniques to detect minimal heat treatment of honey
- 13:00-14:00 Lunch break
- 14:00-14:05 Announcement of the Best Poster Presentation Award and Conference Quiz
- Session III. Chairperson: Dr. Martin Geyer
- 14:05-14:25 # Bodor, P., Somogyi, E., Baranyai, L., Lázár, J., Bálo, B.: Geometric morphometric analysis of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) berry shape by using elliptic Fourier descriptors
- 14:25-14:45 # Vinod Dhaygude, Anita Soós, Katalin Kóczán-Manninger, Katalin Badak-Kerti, Ildikó Szedljak, László Somogyi: Analysis of physical behavior and structure of a complex fat system
- 14:45-15:05 # Szilvia Bánvölgyi, Eszter Dusza, Fiina K. Namukwambi, István Kiss, Éva Stefanovits-Bányai, Gyula Vatai: Extraction of phenolic compounds from Tokaji aszu marc
- 15:05-15:35 Poster section – Coffee break
- Session IV. Chairperson: Prof. József Felföldi
- 15:35-15:55 # Alrahami Mahmood, Beszédes, S., Keszthelyi-Szabó, G: Biodegradability and characterization of Industrial wastewater in Hungary
- 15:55-16:15 # Péter Korzenszky, Tímea Kaszab, Gábor Géczi: Effect of heat treatments in color parameters of wine products
- 16:15-16:35 # Attila Csighy, Arijit Nath, Eszter Vozáry, András Koris, Gyula Vatai: Investigating the texture and antioxidant capacity of papain enzyme-treated yogurt with different substrate – glucose and sucrose
- 16:35-16:40 Announcement of the Best Oral Presentation Award, Conference closing
Posters presentations
- Adrienn Tóth, Csaba Németh, Emna Ayari, Karina Hidas, Ildikó Zeke, Péter Penksza, László Friedrich: Effects of combined HHP and heat treatment on viscosity and microbiological safety of liquid egg yolk
- Ákos Nyitrai, Viktor Losó, László Csambalik, Sándor Kovács, Attila Gere, Zoltán Kókai, László Sipos: Associations of sweet corn’s overall liking and sensory relationships with PLS-PM model
- Antal Véha, Zoltán Magyar, Balázs P. Szabó: Examination of milling technological properties of different wheat varieties
- Balázs Lemmer, Zoltán Jákói, Doroca Erdeg, Sándor Beszédes, Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó, Cecilia Hodúr: Ethanol from concentrated broth
- Dávid Nagy, Bíborka Gillay, Tamás Zsom, József Felföldi, Viktória Zsom-Muha: Shelf life extension with ultrasound
- Dzsenifer Németh, Noémi Kappel, Balázs Gábor: Food quality attributes of melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Influenced by grafting
- Emna Ayari, Cs. Nemeth, T. Adrienn, L. Dàvid, L. Friedrich: UHT treatment of liquid yolk egg
- Judit Perjéssy, Ferenc Hegyi, Magdolna Nagy-Gasztonyi, Rita Tömösközi-Farkas, Mária Berki, Zsolt Zalán: Lactic acid fermented, probiotic sour cherry development with strain selection
- Judit Perjéssy, Ferenc Hegyi, Zsolt Zalán: Growth and survival of probiotic Lactobacillus strains in orange juice(s)
- Katalin Badakné Kerti, Viktória Zsom-Muha, Tamás Zsom, Dávid Nagy, József Felföldi: Acoustic investigation of chocolate
- Kőszegi K., Békássy-Molnár E., Stefanovits-Bányai É., Szabó P., Végvári Gy., Maráz A.: Chemical composition and antimicrobial effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.)
- Tankó György, Vatai Gyula, Koris András: Alternative method for whey utilization as fermented product
- Tímea Kaszab, Blanka Halasi, Zoltán Kovacs: Examination of the effect of type and quality of sugar on main sensory parameters of homemade oat-flakes biscuit
- Viola Szabó, Gabriella Andrássy-Baka, Éva Varga-Visi, György Bázár: Preliminary results of the complex analysis of Hungarian sausages enriched with probiotics
- Zoltán Jákói, Balázs Lemmer, József Csanádi, Cecilia Hodúr: Application of ultrasound in enzyme treatment of cheese whey
- Zs.H. Horváth: Mathematical analysis of the colour parameters of pasta and semolina made from durum wheat
- Lien Phuong Le Nguyen, Tamás Zsom, Géza Hitka, Ildikó Csilla Zeke, László Friedrich: Effect of perforation modified atmosphere packaging on quality of fresh-cut carrot during storage
- Tamás Zsom, Petra Polgári, Lien Phuong Le Nguyen, Géza Hitka, Viktória Zsom-Muha: Quality maintenance of broccoli by the use of 1-MCP treatments
Registration fee
- Registration fee: 150 Euro
- Student registration fee: 100 Euro (including Master, PhD, and Post-Doctor)
Student status (BSc, MSc, PhD) has to be proven. Graduate students must send proof of current status – copy of current Student ID can be faxed to +36(1)3057361 or emailed to
The registration fee covers electronic publication of conference full papers, buffet during the conference and the lunch.
Information for bank transfer:
- Name: Élelmiszertudományért OKF Alapítvány
- Address: 2060 Bicske, SPAR út 0326/1.
- Bank account: 11600006-00000000-64385628 (ERSTE Bank)
- IBAN: HU48 1160 0006 0000 0000 6438 5628
- Tax No. (if required): 18513930-2-07