BiosysFoodEng 2016
1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering
ISBN 978-963-269-598-3
- Monitoring the germination of brown rice, red lentils and flaxseed with NIR using the Polar Qualification System
Katalin Kerti-Badak, Kata Kóczán-Manninger, Ildikó Szedljak; PDF E101: 6pp
- Hyperspectral checking of fructose content in marzipan
Katalin Kerti-Badak, Szabina Németh, Andreas Zitek, Ferenc Firtha; PDF E102: 9pp
- Extraction of Tokaji Aszú marc and concentration of the extract by reverse osmosis
Szilvia Bánvölgyi, Eszter Dusza, István Kiss, Éva Stefanovits-Bányai, Gyula Vatai; PDF E103: 8pp
- Rapid estimation of optical properties from diffuse reflectance signals
László Baranyai, Dénes Lajos Dénes, József Felföldi; PDF E104: 1pp
- Testing the ability of a handheld food scanner to predict primary nutrients in model mixtures
György Bázár, Zoltán Kovács, Zsófia Pintér, Behafarid Darvish, Isabel Hoffmann; PDF E105: 1pp
- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of powdered meat using a handheld NIR food scanner
György Bázár, Zoltán Kovács, Zsófia Pintér, Behafarid Darvish, Isabel Hoffmann; PDF E141: 1pp
- Application of dielectric properties measurement in microwave sludge processing
Sándor Beszédes, Petra Veszelovszki, Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó, Cecilia Hodúr; PDF E106: 1pp
- Landmark-based morphometry reveal phyllometric diversity along the shoot axis of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)
Bodor P., Baranyai L., Szekszárdi A., Bisztray Gy.D., Bálo B.; PDF E107: 8pp
- Application of near infrared spectroscopy and classical analytical methods for the evaluation of hungarian honey
Zsanett Bodor, Fanni Adrienn Koncz, Mahmoud Said Rashed, Timea Kaszab, Zoltan Gillay, Csilla Benedek, Zoltan Kovacs; PDF E108: 8pp
- Vibratory membrane separation for wastewater treatment
Péter Bor, József Csanádi, Cecilia Hodúr, Szabolcs Kertész; PDF E109: 9pp
- Comparison of different lettuce types (Lactuca sativa L.) based on their bioactive compounds
Boros I.F., Kappel N., Gere A., Sipos L.; PDF E110: 8pp
- The thermal properties of selected bee products
Monika Boziková, Peter Hlavác, Vlasta Vozárová, Zuzana Hlavvácová, Lubomír Kubík, Peter Kotoulek, Ján Brindza; PDF E111: 11pp
- The high hydrostatic pressure treatment of fresh carp (Cyprius carpio) and changes in its proteins
Csehi B., Zeke I., Szeredi L., Pásztorné Huszár K., Friedrich L.; PDF E112: 1pp
- Diafiltration based cow’s milk partial demineralization - laboratory membrane filtration experiments
Attila Csighy, Andras Koris, Arijit Nath, Gyula Vatai; PDF E113: 7pp
- Hydraulic oils dynamic viscosity and pour point determination
Csillag J., Vozárová V., Petrovic A.; PDF E114: 1pp
- New results of rheological modeling of candy gum
György Csima, Eszter Vozáry; PDF E115: 9pp
- Effect of blending on rheological and textural properties of non-hydrogenated coconut fat
Vinod Dhaygude, Anita Soós, Réka Juhász, László Somogyi; PDF E116: 10pp
- Effect of accuracy of thermal diffusivity on the thermal process estimation of meat products
Eszes Ferenc, Zsarnóczay Gabriella, Bencsik Dóra, Csanádi József; PDF E117: 1pp
- Examination of drive misalignment affecting the power loss of V-belt drives
László Kátai, Péter Szendrő, Péter Gárdonyi, István Szabó; PDF E118: 8pp
- Sonicated membrane separation
Balázs Lemmer, Szabolcs Kertész, Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó, Kerime Özel, Cecilia Hodúr; PDF E119: 8pp
- Change of the colour agent content of paprika powders with added oleoresin in the course of storage
Horváth ZS.H., Szeg I., Szabó-P B., Papp-Sziládi K., Véha A.; PDF E120: 8pp
- Effect of ripening temperature on the texture of cow milk Kashkaval cheese
Ivanov G., Bogdanova A., Zsivanovits G.; PDF E121: 8pp
- Pressure/thermal combinations on color, texture and water holding capacity of meat batters
Jónás G., Pintér R., Balázs E., Friedrich L.; PDF E122: 1pp
- Estimation of egg quality parameters by acoustic measurements and multivariate analysis
István Kertész, Viktória Zsomné Muha, Rebeka András, Dávid Nagy, József Felföldi; PDF E123: 8pp
- Floral and geographical origin identification of hungarian honey with electronic tongue and classical analytical methods
Fanni Adrienn Koncz, Zsanett Bodor, Mahmoud Said Rashed, Timea Kaszab, Biborka Gillay, Zoltan Kovacs, Csilla Benedek; PDF E124: 8pp
- Antimicrobial effects of the Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.)
Koszegi K., Kocsis Joseph Michael, Vatai Gyula, Bekassy-Molnar Erika; PDF E125: 7pp
- Behaviour of perga under compressive loading
Lubomír Kubík, Monika Boziková, Ján Brindza, Valeryi Brovarskyi, Serhii Velychko; PDF E126: 8pp
- Comparison of different non-destructive measurement methods
Dávid Nagy, Viktória Zsom-Muha, Tamás Zsom, József Felföldi; PDF E127: 9pp
- Effect of 1-MCP, ethylene absorber and ozone on melon quality during storage
Lien Phuong Le Nguyen, Vivien Horváth, Géza Hitka, Tamás Zsom, Zoltán Kókai; PDF E128: 9pp
- DSC monitoring of wheat bread dough during freezing and defrosting
Petrovic A., Vozárová V., Smitalová J.; PDF E129: 1pp
- Ultrasonic method for identifying oil types and their mixtures
Mahmoud Said Rashed, Jozsef Felfoldi; PDF E130: 9pp
- The different order effect of combined high hydrostatic pressure and mild heat treatment on the colour of strawberry puree
Bertold Salamon, Fanni Zakariás, Andrea Leopold, István Dalmadi; PDF E131: 1pp
- Enhancing Main Fermentation Velocities in Beer by the Use of a Membrane Bioreactor – Approach and First Results
Lisa Stumpf, Stefan Schildbach; PDF E140: 7pp
- Expression of Kv4.xion channels reorganized on cardiomyocytes with altered mechanical and physiological parameters influenced by ophiobolins
Viktoria Szuts, Bencsik Otto, Zsolt Szegletes, Ferenc Otvos, George Váro, Antal Véha, Andras Szekeres, Csaba Vágvölgyi, Katalin Halasy; PDF E132: 1pp
- Effects of high hydrostatic pressure and its holding time on protein structure of liquid egg product
Adrienn Tóth, Csaba Németh, Bertold Salamon, Dóra Bényi, László Friedrich; PDF E133: 1pp
- High pressure processing and heat treatment: Safety and functional properties of liquid egg white
Adrienn Tóth, Csaba Németh, Richárd Pintér, Réka Juhász, László Friedrich; PDF E134: 1pp
- Effect of inserted static mixer on crossflow microfiltration of rough beer
Áron Varga, Edit Márki; PDF E135: 6pp
- A spectroscopic set-up development for efficiency analysis of HPS and LED lighting in horticulture
Zsófia Varga, András Jung; PDF E136: 7pp
- Dielectric properties of various hungarian honeys
Eszter Vozáry, Zsanett Bodor, Zoltán Kovács; PDF E137: 6pp
- Near infrared hyperspectral imaging – background and application for wood characterization
Zitek A., Böhm K., Firtha F., Parrag V., Hinterstoisser J.B.; PDF E142: 1pp
- Postharvest quality and safety of fresh-cut melon fruits coated with water soluble chitosan films
Zsivanovits G., Grancharova Ts., Dimitrova-Dyulgerova I., Ivanova D., Kostadinova S., Marudova M.; PDF E138: 8pp
- Chilling injury investigation by non-destructive measuring methods during banana cold storage
Tamás Zsom, Edina Strohmayer, Lien Phuong Le Nguyen, Géza Hitka, Viktória Zsom-Muha; PDF E139: 8pp